How was the Project funded? | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

How was the Project funded?

The Project was financed by lottery funding – the Lottery Heritage Fund (now the National Lottery Heritage Fund) and the Big Lottery Fund.  We received a Start-Up Grant in 2014, followed by a Development Grant in 2016 and finally a Delivery Grant in 2017.

Lottery funded projects always require partnership funding, and we are grateful to a number of organisations, from whom we received generous additional assistance.

We have received individual donations through our market stalls and attendees at our events and also had a successful Big Give Christmas Challenge Campaign in 2019 to raise funds for our Read In Peace seat.



For more information please contact

photo of James Moir

 James Moir

Convenor and Project Manager during the works
   07545 786 372