James Grainger Hill (1921-1942) | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

James Grainger Hill (1921-1942)
1920 –22/03/1942

James Grainger Hill (1921-1942)

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Aircraftman 1st Class 651522 Royal Air Force James was the eldest son of John Charles and Rose née Harris. He was born in Aston near Birmingham in 1920. The family soon moved to Berkhamsted where James’s younger brother Norman was born in December 1921. When he left school, James worked at the paper mill in Apsley. He joined the Royal Air Force as a regular in March 1938. He was promoted to Leading Aircraftman in early 1942. His parents lived in Chestnut Drive and he was home on leave in March 1942. He returned back to his billet in York via the late train and was in good health on arrival. The following morning, 22 March 1942, his billet-mate found him dead. He was 21 years old. His body was brought back to Berkhamsted where he was buried with service honours.
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Aircraftman 1st Class 651522
Royal Air Force

James was the eldest son of John Charles and Rose née Harris. He was born in Aston near Birmingham in 1920. The family soon moved to Berkhamsted where James’s younger brother Norman was born in December 1921. When he left school, James worked at the paper mill in Apsley.

He joined the Royal Air Force as a regular in March 1938. He was promoted to Leading Aircraftman in early 1942. His parents lived in Chestnut Drive and he was home on leave in March 1942. He returned back to his billet in York via the late train and was in good health on arrival. The following morning, 22 March 1942, his billet-mate found him dead. He was 21 years old. His body was brought back to Berkhamsted where he was buried with service honours.


No relatives have been linked to James Grainger Hill (1921-1942)

Historical Connections

The following local places of interest are linked to James Grainger Hill (1921-1942):

Commonwealth War Graves record

Commonwealth War Graves CommissionView CWGC record