06/07/1864 –20/05/1948
Grocer and florist who married his shop assistant late in life.
Plot 754 Walter Burnham (1864-1948)
Walter was born 6 July 1864 in Berkhamsted, the son of John Burnham, a stone breaker and his wife Caroline. He was baptised at St Peter’s, Berkhamsted on 24 February 1867.
In the 1871 census Walter and his three older brothers were living with their parents in White House, Frithsden. This is probably less grand than it sounds and seems to have been one of a row of cottages close to the Alford Arms.
By 1881 Caroline was widowed, still living at the same address and employed as a straw plaiter. She had taken a lodger to make ends meet and sons Abiathar, a bricklayer’s labourer and Walter, a garden labourer, were still at home. She was still there in 1891with Walter, now a gardener, and one of his older brothers, George, a labourer, living with her.
Walter must have had ambition because by 1901, aged 38, he had his own greengrocer’s shop and was living at 171, High Street, Berkhamsted, an eight-roomed house. He was unmarried, but had three lodgers: Matilda Chapman, a widow, her daughter Jane, a self-employed dressmaker and William North, his young shop assistant who was also Matilda’s grandson.
The 1911 census reveals that he was still at the same address, Mrs Chapman was his housekeeper and Jane and Kate Chapman, her daughters, were lodging there.
By the time of the 1921 census Walter, aged 58, was still at 171, High Street, described as “greengrocer and florist.” Matilda Chapman, now 86, was carrying out “home duties” as was her daughter Kate, aged 56. Jane Chapman, aged 65, was employed by Walter as “Green Grocer Assistant.”
Walter married Jane in 1926 in Berkhamsted. In 1927 the electoral register shows the couple as living in a “bungalow off Cross Oak Road” which appears to be the one later named as Burn Lodge, West Road, Berkhamsted.
Jane passed away in 1930 after only four years of marriage.
The 1939 Register records Walter living at Burn Lodge alone and occupied as “Nurseryman (own account)”, which implies that he had probably been maintaining a market garden to supply his green grocery business.
He died at Burn Lodge 20 May 1948 aged 83, and was buried here with Jane.