26/10/1882 –31/12/1949
Wife of Lt. Col. Sydney Temple Cargill
Plot 1087 Ethel Evelyn (née Brander) Cargill (1882-1949)
Ethel’s early life before her marriage has proved impossible to trace. On the 1911 census her place of birth is given as Murree, India and her date of birth in the 1939 Register is 26 October 1882. At the time Muree, which lies in the foothills of the Himalayas, was in India. It is now part of Pakistan. “Construction of the town was started in 1851 on the hill of Murree as a sanatorium for British troops. The permanent town of Murree was constructed in 1853… Murree was the summer headquarters of the colonial Punjab Government until 1876 when it was moved to Shimla.” (Wikipedia) Her father was probably therefore either an army officer or a member of the civil service.
She married Sidney Temple Cargill, a lieutenant in the Royal Engineers, in September 1903 at Battle, Sussex. Her residence in the banns is shown as Bexhill.
Their first son, Donald, was born in Lydd, Kent, in 1905, but by 1910 Sidney and Ethel were in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, where their second son, Kenneth, was born that year.
The April 1911 census records them in married quarters in Tempe, close to Bloemfontein. Sidney held the rank of captain in the Royal Engineers.
By 1920 they had returned to England and the Directory for Bromley of that year has Major Sidney Temple Cargill, Royal Engineers, listed at 16, Elmfield Road, Bromley.
Sidney, Edith and Kenneth have not been traced in the 1921 Census, but Donald, aged 16, was a boarder at the North Eastern County School (now Barnard Castle School) in County Durham.
The electoral register for Stanmore in 1934 places Sidney at 10, Hilltop Way, Stanmore. This is large detached house, but Ethel is not listed with him. In 1938 she is shown at 17, Snaresbrook Drive, Stanmore, a house with another married couple in residence. They are, however, both living together at 14, Boxwell Road, Berkhamsted at the time of the 1939 Register where Sidney is described as “Lieutenant Colonel, retired”.
Edith died 21 December 1949 at that address, aged 67. Sidney survived her for almost a year, dying on 3 December 1950, and was buried in plot 1146.