John Harold Bird (1125) plot | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

poppy John Harold Bird (1125) plot


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Memorial details

Family name Bird
Burial date Not known
Burial capacity Not known
Burial depth Not known
From burial books?
Burial visible (2019)?
Burial visible (1991)?   

CWCG Private J. H. Bird, 7th Hertfordshire Bn. Home Guard

The epitaph reads:

Beyond the sea of death love lives yesterday, today and forever

It is taken from the poem: ‘One Day’ by Christina Rossetti

I will tell you when they met:
In the limpid days of Spring;
Elder boughs were budding yet,
Oaken boughs looked wintry still,
But primrose and veined violet
In the mossful turf were set,
While meeting birds made haste to sing
And build with right good will.
I will tell you when they parted:
When plenteous Autumn sheaves were brown,
Then they parted heavy-hearted;
The full rejoicing sun looked down
As grand as in the days before;
Only they had lost a crown;
Only to them those days of yore
Could come back nevermore.
When shall they meet? I cannot tell,
Indeed, when they shall meet again,
Except some day in Paradise:
For this they wait, one waits in pain.
Beyond the sea of death love lies
For ever, yesterday, to-day;
Angels shall ask them, ‘Is it well?’
And they shall answer, ‘Yea.’

Condition: good


In Memoriam

If you have a family or other connection with anyone buried in this plot, you are welcome to post your memories or photographs here.

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