Mary Page (146) 1865 plot | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Mary Page (146) 1865 plot


Who is buried here?

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Memorial details

Family name Page
Burial date Not known
Burial capacity Not known
Burial depth Not known
From burial books?
Burial visible (2019)?
Burial visible (1991)?   

Sacred to the memory of

Mary Page

who departed this life 23rd April 1865 aged 75 years

The blood of Jesus Christ

cleanseth them of all sin

(In fact, she was 77 years old)

Condition: good

This is one of the 19 memorials that was restored in 2018.  The process involved: Clearing the surrounding ground to reveal the base stones and removing the moisture content against the stone. Cleaning the memorial with a stem method and recording the epitaph for future legibility.


Town connections

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In Memoriam

If you have a family or other connection with anyone buried in this plot, you are welcome to post your memories or photographs here.

Further reading