Tuffnell/Tufnell Plot | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

poppy Tuffnell/Tufnell Plot


Who is buried here?

Memorial only (not buried here)

Do you know these people?

If you have any memories, family history or photographs that could help us to build up more information about these burials, please contact us - we would love to hear from you.

Memorial details

Family name Tuffnell
Burial date Not known
Burial capacity 3 (Full used)
Burial depth Not known
From burial books?
Burial visible (2019)?
Burial visible (1991)?   

Headstone inscription:

Lovingly in memory of
Hephzibah Tuffnell
Died April 1st 1924, aged 59
From a full life to a fuller

And of Joseph, husband of the above
Died sept. 14th 1948 aged 85
In heavenly love abiding

Also of Hilda, daughter of the above
Died May 6th 1924 aged 25
Loving and loved

Left kerb inscription:

In a dearest memory of Frederick James Coughtrey (Son-in-law)
at rest 29th Sept 1960

Right kerb has sunk and any inscription is currently obscured.

Footer kerb inscription:

In loving memory of Gunner E.Raymond Tufnell R.A.(Grandson)
Killed in action June 1942, aged 27

Condition: poor


In Memoriam

If you have a family or other connection with anyone buried in this plot, you are welcome to post your memories or photographs here.

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