Town Hall Keeper, father of two sons, widowed and remarried, working at 71 as part-time caretaker.
George was the seventh child of John and Elizabeth Willmore and was born in Tring in May, 1868. John was described as an engine driver, presumably on some steam driven farm machinery. George’s eldest brother was William Willmore (q.v.) When William and George were young the family lived on Berkhamsted Common and by the time George was 13 they had moved to George Street in Berkhamsted where he attended school.
Ten years later the family had moved to Holliday Street, 23 year-old George was still living at home and was employed as a furnace stoker.
A couple of years later, in Spring 1893 George married Leah Maria Walker, a domestic servant working in Northchurch. The couple set up home at 4, Ravens Lane and by 1901 George had joined the brewing industry as an assistant brewer. The couple had two sons, Ernest George (q.v.) was born in 1894 and Edward James six years later.
Sadly Ernest died in 1920 as a result of wounds received in the war. By then George and Leah were living at the Town Hall where George had taken up the position of the hall keeper. The Town Hall Keeper was an important position in the town and the job came with rooms backing on to the garden at the rear of the hall. George and Leah later moved to 15 Charles Street with their son Edward but Leah died in 1927.
After Edward married and moved away, George went to live alone at 69 Charles Street.
In 1937, when George was 69 he re-married. His new wife was Rosina Meager, a 62 year old widow living in Potten End and they married at the Registry Office in Berkhamsted. Their witnesses were their respective sons. Sadly, the marriage only lasted for eighteen months before Rosina died.
By the start of the Second World War George, aged 71 was still living at 69 Charles Street and still working as a part time caretaker at the Town Hall.
George died in Berkhamsted on 11th September 1954 at the age of 86. He is buried alongside his first wife Leah in plot 762.