Letting the grass grow | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Letting the grass grow

notice in the cemetery about letting the grass growConserving habitats for wildlife and flowers has scored highly in our visitor questionnaires. This year the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust have generously offered to survey the whole cemetery in June to provide a baseline mapping of the flora and fauna. So, between now and the survey, we are letting the grass grow long to encourage as much diversity as possible.

Following the survey, we will be cutting and strimming the Cemetery grass as normal.
Individual graves may of course be tended and if you would like access to a particular monument or grave, or are seeking information regarding a family member or relative, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Or if you would like to come and help in the Cemetery we have a working party on the first Sunday of each month.