Young people
We have run sessions with all ages within the scouting movement – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The younger groups like to hear the stories of those buried here, examine the designs on the memorials, hunt for wildlife and build bug hotels, and try out all the different seats. They also bring their Remembrance Day offerings to the War Memorial. The older groups have helped with clearing timber and weeding graves.
The Cemetery has a lot to offer schools, linking into national curriculum topics of local social history, the Victorians, WW1 and WW2, living things and their habitats, story writing, mathematics, Special Places … We have developed classroom resources for schools studying Victorian Berkhamsted and Berkhamsted in WW1 which are available to download. We have co-developed appropriate resources and activities around the Cemetery with a local primary school which align directly with their curriculum needs.
We welcome Duke of Edinburgh Award participants.
We also host working sessions for pre-apprenticeship students who help us on an annual basis.
If you are a youth leader or a school/college teacher and would like to plan a visit to the Cemetery, please get in touch.
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