Ann and Alan Mosley | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Ann and Alan Mosley

In 2015, after replying to an article in a local magazine, Ann and Alan became the first volunteers to help in the cemetery.  At first, they concentrated on clearing the graves around the Memorial Arch.   They found great satisfaction in the peace and quiet of the cemetery and never knowing what you may discover.  Their most interesting discovery was the Seat of Remembrance, installed in memory of Brigadier General Richard Mildmay Foot, which had the additional interest of tracing its origin and then tracing the history of the Foot Family.  It was incredibly pleasing to be part of its restoration which was made possible by a grant from Tesco’s Bags of Help Fund.

Ann and Alan continue to help with the restoration of cemetery: taking part in the monthly working parties and attending project meetings.