Hannah Maud Cottingham (917) plot | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

poppy Hannah Maud Cottingham (917) plot


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Memorial details

Family name Cottingham
Burial date Not known
Burial capacity 2 (1 used)
Burial depth Not known
From burial books?
Burial visible (2019)?
Burial visible (1991)?   

Sister Cottingham, Matron at The Beeches V.A.D. Hospital
Erected by the Inns of Court O.T.C. in memory of
Sister Cottingham
Matron at “The Beeches” V.A.D. Hospital
who died here Oct. 27th 1918

”Well done, good and faithful servant”

Sister Cottingham’s grave: before and after

Slide the marker across the picture to see the transformation after restoration

Condition: good

This grave was previously in very poor condition; the marble was grey and discoloured, the cross was broken off and toppled, and the stone kerb had partially sunk into the turf. In June 2022 the grave was reconstructed and cleaned, revealing the pure white marble stonework. It has since been adopted and planted out with a display of red and white flowering alpines to represent the Red Cross and the ancient flag of Ireland, the Cross of St Patrick, as well as some Irish shamrocks.

The restoration was funded by the society of Old Berkhamstedians who raised the stonemason’s fee through the sale of beautiful bowls, hand-turned by an Old Berkhamstedian, from the wood of a felled acacia tree from the school quad.


Town connections

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In Memoriam

If you have a family or other connection with anyone buried in this plot, you are welcome to post your memories or photographs here.

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