Lingard's masons yard | Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Rectory Lane Cemetery, Berkhamsted

Lingard's masons yard

Lingard's masons yard
Castle Street, Berkhamsted

George Lingard (1839-1847) was a stone mason in Berkhamsted. He was active in the early years of Rectory Lane Cemetery and and executed several of the larger monuments in the Lower Cemetery. He also worked on stonework for the new Baptist Church in Tring and for St Peter’s Church in Berkhamsted.

In the 1880s, George Lingard operated a stone mason’s yard on the west side of Castle Street, next to Berkhamsted School. George lived here with his wife Emma and and their sons, Ernest,Walter Arthur and Frank, as well as a servant, Ann Chennels. It was a busy yard, stocked with blocks of Portland, York and other Stone, as well as tools and equipment of the trade. George employed 2 men & 2 apprentices.

Previously, George and Anne were living in the High Street, probably on the corner of Holliday Street.

Around 1890, George was bankrupt and was forced to give up the premises. The yard buildings were demolished to make way for Dean’s Hall, part of Berkhamsted School.


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